Network Marketing (B2B)
Does your POP look up to date?
Does your POP fit the brand it’s promoting?
What type of POP works and what doesn’t?
Are you communicating effectively with your network?
Website Updates
Does your website match the quality of your product/business? Is your Website Mobile friends?
Does your website focus on the right actions of your consumers?
Do you know how to report ROI to sponsors?
Do you know the value of your sponsors?
Do you have organized contracts and annual negotiators?
Pro Staff/Ambassador Programs
Do you need a Pro Staff?
Do you have one but don’t have the staff to manage one?
What is the ROI of your Pro Staff program?
CRM & Loyalty Programs
Are you nurturing your leads? Are you growing your loyal customers to become influencers in your industry?
Shows & Events
Do you need to update your tradeshow space/booth layout?
Are you going to launch a new product and need an event?
Are you planning a demo event/tour?
Do you need help with dealer events or training?
Social Media
Do you have a content strategy that aligns with your business goals?
Do you have a content calendar that addresses key messages and benefits?
Does your social media have a consistent voice?
Are you understanding the ROI of your social media marketing?
Project Management
Do you need a project executed? Save time and money on quality execution on any project. We provide project management that is organized, trackable and strategic.